Johannes Düsing, M.Sc.

About Me

I am a PhD Student for Secure Software Engineering at Technical University Dortmund. My goal is to increase precision of vulnerability detection by employing static analysis techniques on software projects and their dependencies. In order to do so, i generate data on a large amount of software libraries from repositories like Maven Central, a provide efficient query- and analysis-interfaces.

I earned my Master's degree at Paderborn University in 2021. During my studies, i worked as a Student Assistant Software Developer at dSPACE for five years, before being a Research Assistant at Paderborn University.

Research Interests

My research interests include:

  • Static Program Analysis, especially Callgraphs and Abstract Interpretation
  • Vulnerability Propagation and Impact Analysis
  • Software Quality Metrics
  • Evolution of Software Reuse
  • Compositional Program Analysis


Recent Publications

Persisting and Reusing Results of Static Program Analyses on a Large Scale.

In this paper, we investigate the (re-) use of results produced by static program analysis. We propose a framework for publishing, sharing and referencing such results.

All Publications

  • Johannes Düsing and Ben Hermann. 2023. Persisting and Reusing Results of Static Program Analyses on a Large Scale. Proceedings of the 38th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2023). (Just Accepted). Preprint
  • Tobias Litzenberger and Johannes Düsing and Ben Hermann. 2023. DGMF: Fast Generation of Comparable, Updatable Dependency Graphs for Software Repositories. Mining Software Repositories 2023 (MSR '23).
  • Johannes Düsing and Ben Hermann. 2021. Analyzing the Direct and Transitive Impact of Vulnerabilities onto Different Artifact Repositories. Digital Threats: Research and Practice. (January 2021), 27 pages.


Datastructures, Algorithms and Programming I. Bachelor Lecture
Abstract Interpretation. Bachelor Seminar.
Software Engineering. Bachelor Lecture.
Webtechnologies I. Bachelor Lecture.
Open-Source Software Reuse in Commercial and OSS Projects. Bachelor Seminar.
Implementation and Evaluation of Software Quality Metrics. Bachelor Project.


  • Mail
  • Phone
    +49 231 755 7831
  • Postal
    Johannes Düsing
    Technische Universität Dortmund
    Otto-Hahn-Straße 14
    44227 Dortmund